Sql Basics

  • SQL stands for Structured Query Language
  • It is used to communicate with a database

Table Basics

  • A database contains one or more tables
  • Each table is uniquely identified by its name
  • Each table has columns and rows:
    • Each column contains column name, data type, and other attributes for the column
    • Rows are records of the tables

Selecting data

  • select statement
  • used to query the db and retrieve data that match criteria that you specify at the where clause:
    • where “condition”
    • condition: =, >, <, >=, <=, <>, LIKE
      • LIKE: pattern matching operator
        • Allows you to select only rows that are “like” what you specify
        • %: wild card
        • Strings must be in single quotes
  • Practice questions:
    • Display the first name and age for everyone that’s in the table:
        select first, age from empinfo;
    • Display the first name, last name, and city for everyone that’s not from Payson.
        select first, last, city from empinfo
                where city <> 'Payson';
    • Display all columns for everyone that is over 40 years old.
        select * from empinfo
                where age > 40;
    • Display the first and last names for everyone whose last name ends in an “ay”.
        select first, last from empinfo
                where last LIKE '%ay';
    • Display all columns for everyone whose first name equals “Mary”.
        select * from empinfo
                where first = 'Mary';
    • Display all columns for everyone whose first name contains “Mary”.
        select * from empinfo
                where first LIKE '%Mary%';

Creating Tables

create table "tablename"
("column1" "data type",
 "column2" "data type",
 "column3" "data type");

Inserting into a table

  • insert
  • To insert/add a row into the table
insert into "tablename"
  values (first_value,...last_value);

Updating Records

  • update
  • To update/change records that match a specified criteria

update phone_book
  set area_code = 623
  where prefix = 979;


SQL commands can be divided into four subgroups:

  • DDL - Data Definition Language
    • Deals with database chemas and descriptions of how the data should reside in the database
    • CREATE
    • ALTER
    • DROP
    • RENAME
  • DML - Data Manipulation Language
    • Deals with data manipulation
    • SELECT
    • INSERT
    • UPDATE
    • DELETE
  • DCL - Data Control Language
    • Mostly concerned with permissions, rights and other controls
    • GRANT
    • REVOKE
  • TCL - Transaction Control Language
    • Deals with transactions within a database
    • COMMIT

To learn more basic SQL queries:

  • Visit this (link)[http://www.sqlcourse.com/select.html]
Written on March 19, 2018