Code Retreat

Last week, we got the chance to experience our first ever code retreat as a group with Mark Pearl and Elliott Wanless. It was a great learning exercise and I look forward to doing it again in the near future.

How the Code Retreat was run:

  • Problem to solve: [String Calculator Kata] (
  • Pair programming: pair changed for each round
  • Each round came with at least one constraint, some are listed below:
    • Strict TDD
    • No mouse
    • 4-line methods
    • Solve without regex
    • Implement pair programming in the order of:
      • One person writes the test
      • The other writes the code to pass the test
      • The first person refactors the code
      • Repeat
    • Delete all code at the end of each round


Some of the key takeways from the session:

Pair Programming

  • Communicate your thinking as you’re typing the code so your peer can understand what’s going on and gives feedback or contribute to the brainstorming
  • Be open to your peer’s ideas
  • Have the IDE set up and running before starting the exercise!
  • Knowing shortcut commands greatly enhances the flow of the session and help make the experience so much more seamless


  • It’s good to understand the language you use well, as it helps with implementing your idea in code effectively once you’ve figured out a solution to the problem
  • Refactoring after every TDD increment is a great practice to achieve clean code by removing duplications and keeping methods short and focused
Written on February 26, 2018